How to Get the Best Elliptical Machine Workout

An elliptical machine is one of the very best ways to train for cardiovascular fitness and muscle tone. Elliptical machines basically work by letting you ‘ski’ or ‘walk’ on the spot with your feet attached to pads and your arms holding handles. This then allows you to exercise in a rapid way that doesn’t place any strain on your knees or joints. Continue reading

Is Bodyweight Training For Me?

The first thing you need to know about body weight training is that it is not as difficult as the classic weight exercises. This type of training improves the whole body; it is associated by many with military endurance training and is an excellent choice for the development of the upper body. Continue reading

Bodybuilding Supplements and Diet Tips

What is the best diet to complement taking bodybuilding supplements? Many body builders are not very clear on certain aspects of body building. Everybody knows that body building entails some tough exercising, and not much else. However, what a body builder eats is of utmost importance in the sport. Continue reading

Maintaining a Healthy Weight In Today’s World

Everyone loves a little treat now and then; candy, chocolate, or drive-through fast food. Now more than ever before, we have an incredible array of food choices and indulgences. Unfortunately, with the ever-expanding choices of the food market, our society is facing an ever-expanding plethora of health issues tied to over-eating and obesity. Continue reading

High-Tech Health: Your Smartphone and the Gym

You might be surprised as to how many ways your smartphone – or another mobile device – can impact your health and your health insurance.  In this article, we approach mobile devices’ place at the gym.  As it turns out, it could be the most important accessory you have: bring it with you! Continue reading

Ordering Take-Out without Damaging Your Diet

We all have nights when we just don’t feel like cooking. For many Americans, the solution is simply to order a pizza, Chinese food, or some other kind of take-out meal, but unfortunately, this treat can wreak havoc on your waistline. Luckily, there are a few ways to sneak some healthy foods into your order. Here’s how to order take-out with damaging your diet too much: Continue reading

Finding the Perfect Personal Trainer

Anyone who has ever tried to improve their fitness knows that motivation is the key. Everyone starts off incredibly inspired to get back to their college weight, but it can be a lot different a few months down the line. There are various factors that can help to keep you motivated, and finding a good personal trainer is one. Having someone guide your workout isn’t for everyone, but for some folks it leads to great results. Continue reading

How To Lose Weight

Whether you are morbidly obese or just trying to trim down and lose a few extra pounds the same principles apply to how much and how fast you lose that weight. You don’t have to follow any special diet plan or buy expensive pills for weight loss. Continue reading