Monthly Archives: May 2012
4 Ways Multivitamins Can Help You
Taking multivitamins is one way that you can help keep your body healthy. It allows you to have the required daily allowance of vitamins that your body needs. Although you can acquire these vitamins through different food sources, you may only be getting low amounts of it when you eat. Continue reading
Is There a Perfect Time of the Day to Exercise?
You’re resolved to make exercise a priority and schedule workouts into your routine on a regular basis. So far, so good. But when you’re trying to make room in your daily routine, where should you stick the workout? Before breakfast? Continue reading
Chair Yoga – Poses to do in the Office
Sitting in an office chair all day can cause all sorts of problems such as back pain, poor circulation and strain on the arms and shoulders. Unfortunately most of us now work in front of computers which means we have to spend a lot of time sitting down. Continue reading
Is Strength Training Good For Losing Weight?

Arthur Saxon performing a bent press. Français : Arthur Saxon effectuant un dévissé à un bras (bent press). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Strength training is gaining popularity in the fitness world and for people involved in building muscle fast. Also known as resistance training, strength training is basically any exercise that requires muscular contraction with weights or without weights for instance, push-ups, pull-ups, dips, bicep curls, triceps extension, bench press and squats are some ideal examples. Continue reading